Happy New Year!!!!
Did everyone have a great vacation? I had so many, many plans for my two weeks off, like getting my Exemplar Errants completely painted, taking part in the traditional Japanese big cleaning of the house, more blogging since I fell behind a little bit last year (oops, sorry, everybody!). Sadly, a dislocated thumb and a slipped disk in my spine made sure that I did nothing but a lot of sitting at my kitchen table, unable to do anything but sit still and pray for a miracle! No painting, no blogging... no nothing! And well just in time for real life to return. Curses! At least my second half was around to help with the poliwogs, or else I would have been completely out of luck!
A few weeks before the end of the year, the Fukuyama Gaming Club had our last meeting of 2018, and we got in some great games. Leland and DTB look like they're heading to Osaka for a tournament in the middle of January, and are really working hard on getting their lists ready for a good fight! We didn't just get in some Warmachine/ Hordes practice, though... oh no! Take a look at what got thrown down on the board!
Ghostly warband FTW! |
That's right! The Thorns of the Briar Queen, the ghostly warband from Shadespire (or actually Shadespire's expansion, the Night Vault) is now mine! Muahhahahahahaha! This time, Sarge, DTB, Leland and I got in a four player game of Shadespire. I'm not totally sold on multiplayer games yet, but I could see how it might be fun. At the moment, I don't think we're quite getting 3 or 4 player games just right.
This month, DTB and I paired off for a Warma/Hordes battle, leaving Sarge and Leland to their own battles, and was I in for a surprise! Instead of pulling out his tried and true Trollblood army, he threw a whole new bag up on the table... one with swirling purple patches... and I knew that DTB had fallen to the Defiers! Perfect! My Menoth worshipers were just dying to get their hands on these heretical nightmares! But in reality, I love love love the Grymkin, and was super excited to see a new army across the board from me! I guess DTB wanted to surprise everyone, so he put the army together and painted it up without telling anyone, until he had a fully painted, complete army up and ready to go. Amazing!
So, without further ado, your army lists for today!
Army List, Grymkin:
A scattered bunch of Nightmares! |
Defier - The Child
Cage Rager
Skin & Moans X 3
Rattlers X 3
Crabbits X 2
Gremlin Swarms X 3
Lady Karianna Rose
Death Knell
Glimmer Imp
So, this is the Dark Menagerie theme force, which is pretty much like most Heavy Metal themes. Ultra beast heavy, no units, and a couple of solos are what DTB has to work with, but in return, the theme allows him to take Gremlin Swarms, usually not acceptable in the theme force, and the Gremlins get Serenity, that will help him with Fury control. Also, all non trooper models that can carry corpse tokens begin the game with one, so his Skin & Moans and the Death Knell are already tough coming out of the gate. The good news for me and the bad news for DTB is that while the Gremlin Swarms would be devastating to most armies, my force is literally awash in magical weapons, so getting rid of them won't be AS tricky as it could be for most opponents.
Army List, Protectorate:
Line up for a fight with the darkness! |
Warcaster - High Exemplar Cyrenia
Exemplar Bastions
Exemplar Bastion Seneschal
Exemplar Cinerators
- Officer
Exemplar Errants
- Officer & Standard Bearer
Exemplar Errant Seneschal
Exemplar Warder
High Exemplar Gravius
Visigoth Rhovien
Vassal Mechanik
This is the new Exemplar Interdiction theme force that I wanted to try out, along the the brand spankin' new caster, Cyrenia! Woo, is she a great addition to the Protectorate! I've only played her in a few games, but MAN!! I love her! This theme gives me the benefits of having all warjacks (so, only the Judicator, who already has it naturally.... sigh) Blessed on all their weapons, meaning that they will ignore spell buffs to ARM and DEF, and also gives me a +2" on my deployment zone.... now, usually that would be invaluable to me, but this army is surprisingly fast! Cyrenia has a spell to move her troops along, and Gravius also has an action he can take that also gets Exemplars moving... but still, I'll take it!
Setup, Grymkin:
Things that go bump in the night |
We came up with the Mirage scenerio, so that means two large, unit scoring zones, one on each side, with an objective in the middle of it, and three flags across the center of the table. This is going to be a difficult scenerio win for DTB, because wow, Dark Menagerie does not get a whole lot of models and NO units! DTB started with a Gremlin Swarm off to the far left, next to the Blue Rattler and Blue Skin & Moans (did that thing skin a Trollkin???) Lady Rose was off the line just a bit behind the S&M, and next came the White Rattler and the White S&M protecting another Gremlin Swarm
, the Black Crabbit hiding behind The Child, and the Glimmer Imp on the other side. Next, the Death Knell, the White Crabbit and the Red S&M and Red Rattler lined up, with the Cage Rager on the end.
Setup, Protectorate:
And now for the fastest list in Menoth |
I know the Judicator is an amazing 'jack, but I don't know how I feel
about having only ONE warjack in the whole army! Still, Cyrenia has
other things she need to do with her focus, so I guess we'll try and
make it work. I had to use a couple of proxies in this battle since I
haven't quite gotten all of the new models yet, so I have Kreoss 2 as
Cyrenia, Durst as the Cinerator Officer, and Reznik as the Exemplar
Warder... bear with me, haha!
I started with
Cyrenia and her Judicator in the center. To their left, I placed the
Cinerators and Gravius (he's going to help them along since they're SO
SLOW!!!) To the right I had the Mechanik behind Cyrenia and the Warder
next to her, then the Bastions with their Seneschal behind them. Since
DTB doesn't have any advanced deployment, I went ahead and put out the
Errants and their Seneschal in the middle of the field.
Our Story:
Shudder |
a mission to Tower Judgment, Cyrenia, followed by her interdiction of
Exemplars, came upon a small girl standing in the shadows of a copse of
trees. Smiling at the little girl to try and calm her, Cyrenia knelt
down and extended a hand to lead her from the darkness. The little girl
regarded her quietly for a moment. "Are you a one of Menoth's?"
"To be sure," Cyrenia replied. "Are you lost?"
dark light flashed behind the child's eyes. "I'm not lost. Dolly's
with me." Behind her, something huge began to push through the trees.
The girls features twisted in a horrible grin. "And Dolly HATES the
worshipers of the false one!"
Cyrenia moved back towards her
forces as Dolly loomed behind The Child, and the Exemplars prepared
their weapons as the chittering, moaning horde of Grymkin appeared, ready
to rend them all until they joined the Wicked Harvest.
Round 1, Grymkin:
Oh, man, they're coming! |
Glimmer Imp ran 12" to in front of the rubble. The Child put on
Tantrum, then Abused the White S&M for 1 damage and also Abused the
Blue S&M for one damage. The White S&M then ran behind the
lake, and the Blue S&M followed it. The White and Blue Rattlers ran
to keep up with their buddies. Lady Rose ran to just behind the White
S&M. The far left Gremlins ran over the wall, the middle Gremlins
ran behind most of the pack, while the Black Crabbit walked behind Dolly
and then Lept to next to the Glimmer Imp.
You don't want to meet these guys down a dark alley! |
The Red S&M moved next
to the objective, while the White Crabbit walked forward and then Lept
into the zone. The Cage Rager ran 8" to lip the zone. The Red Rattler
also ran to the objective with its buddy. The far right Gremlin Swarm
moved between the S&M and to finish up, the Death Knell walked 6",
then repositioned into the zone.
Round 1, Protectorate:
For the Flame and the Wall |
started off as she likes to do, giving Heroic Call and Inviolable
Resolve to the Errants before moving forward and casting Dash. The
Warder moved forward next to her before the Errants moved up, shooting A
WHOLE LOT at the White Crabbit and failing to kill it. The Errant
Seneschal moved onto the flag, the Bastions ran forward, and Gravius on
the other side moved behind the cloud and gave Desperate Pace to the
Cinerators. The Judicator moved forward and sent two rockets at the
Grymkin. They deviated since the target was too far, but managed to
kill Lady Rose! First blood to me! Woot! And then I forgot to make the damn thing get it's second bound... damn! Cinerators ran into the
middle of the table, and Rhoven & Co finished to round by running
Round 2, Grymkin:
Fear not the darkness! |
In the maintainance phase, DTB moved the Cage Rager due to Tantrum, and the Gremlin Swarms removed two fury from the S&Ms, and then round 2 began! The Glimmer Imp ran to the flag and stared down the Errants giving them a -2 DEF. The Black Crabbit moved and Lept to the front of the zone. The Child Abused the White S&M for 2 damage, then healed the White Crabbit, fixing all of its aspects, and then moved forward. The Red Rattler charged an Errant, killing it and triggering Berzerk... sigh... my poor Seneschal hanging onto the flag, and no one close enough to die for him...three more lost their lives to the Rattler...that thing is scary!
Mmmmm, Errant, nom nom nom |
The White S&M charged over the lake to an Errant, killing it, but it was TOUGH thanks to Heroic Call! Yes! But, sadly, he died to the monster's second attack. It bought another attack on the next Errant, and the Errant WAS TOUGH!!!! Woohoo! And it died on the S&M's last attack. The White Rattler ran up to another Errant, while the Cage Rager moved to the edge of the zone. The Red S&M walked in front of the objective, and the White Crabbit walked and the Lept into the cloud, biting an Errant, but could not break his armor! The Blue Rattler moved behind the lake, put up it's animus "Still As Death," which gave it Countercharge. The Blue S&M walked behind the lake, and the Grymkin finished up with the Death Knell moving forward next to the objective.
Round 2, Protectorate:
Stand strong, guys! They're only as scary as they look! |
Well, to start, I forgot all about my Vengence movements and all the good stuff that I got to do in my maintenance phase... what a waste!!! That's okay, it's my first time with this army. I'll have to remember in the future, though! The surviving Errants pressed forward, putting damage on the Red Rattler, White Crabbit, White Rattler, and killing ONLY the Glimmer Imp... What???? How did I only kill one tiny solo! Rhoven moved forward and shot Cleansing Fire on the Gremlins scoring the Flag, but MISSED on a roll of two 1's. Sigh. Gravius ran around to the wall behind the front lines. The Cinerators made a charge order, putting the pain on the White S&M before the Officer used his Defensive Formation ability and allowed them to use a second order in the activation, falling into a Shield Wall for more DEF on DTB's activation.
Casualties of war! |
The Bastions charged the Cage Rager and the Red Rattler, bringing the Rattler down to 3 damage and giving 6 damage to the Cage Rager. The Warder charged the Rattler (I had to murderize that thing!), finally killing it. The Judicator moved forward, bombing the Blue Rattler, leaving it barely alive (and again, I FORGOT THE SECOND BOUNCE!!!) Finally, the Mechanik moved up behind the Judicator just in case, and Cyrenia stepped forward to...... BEEPBEEPBEEP! Time over!
Victory for the Grymkin!
This monster must not be allowed to survive! |
The Child giggled maniacally as her monsters tore through Cyrenia's Exemplars as though they were untrained chaff. Unwilling to risk more of her brothers-in-arms, the High Exemplar sent the signal to withdraw, a vanguard taking the brunt of the retreat as the monsters continued their depraved games. "Go hide behind your wall, little knight," she heard the voice of the Child call over the wails of the dying. "We'll see you soon enough."
A very fun game with DTB! The Grymkin play style is still a little unfamiliar to me, and I had a great time learning just how devestating a Rattler on the lose could be! I made a lot of mistakes, forgetting important rules and tricks of my models, but most of them I'm using for the first time, like the Errants, and I'll pick it up soon! I'm looking forward to more Defier Vs. Menoth fights in the future! Thanks, DTB!!!
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