Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Oblivion: A Prologue

Hello, again, everyone!  Well, in the time since my last post, things around the world have changed rather rapidly, haven't they?  Sadly, with the current Corona virus pandemic, getting some games in is going to be impossible... for those of you who are computer minded, there are several virtual platforms that can allow you to play Warmachine, Hordes, and even Blood Bowl (I hear) on line!  Sadly, I am not so savy with the tech side of things, and so will not be taking part in such games.  Japan has yet to receive any sort of stay-at-home orders, so the Fukuyama Gaming Club is still able to meet and play, but of course, we are trying to decide if we should or not.  Anyway, the next meeting isn't until May 6th, in the week long holiday of Golden Week.

Luckily, before the pandemic really got started, we of the Fukuyama Gaming Club had begun the new Warmachine/Hordes narrative campaign, Oblivion!!!!  Woo-hoo!  So, to take your mind off of the stresses of 2020, join me as we start off the decent into madness and damnation that is.... OBLIVION!!!

Oblivion Campaign
Yes!  I have been looking forward to doing any of the wonderful campaigns that come out of workshops of Privateer Press!  Allow me to set the scene...

Long, long ago, Thamar the dark twin made a deal with a devil (literally) to save humanity from the Orgoth.  Now, the devil is due, and true to her nature, Thamar, with help from her brother Morrow, is going to try and weasel her way out of payment.  Of course, in the meantime, gates to the demon realm are being assembled, heroes are taking to the field, and all Hell is breaking loose!

The campaign is designed for between 2 and 4 players, though 4 is the best.  The 4 players break into 2 teams... the Guardians (good guys) and the Corrupters (bad guys).  The campaign has them fight through 5 rounds of battles, the end of which is a giant free for all that will decide the fate of Immoren!  This story begins with three prologue skirmish battles, all played against the same opponent and keeping track of wins and losses.  After the Prologue has been completed, the players play through 3 tiers of increasingly large battles, with wins and losses determining the scenerio for that players next battle.  In each tier, every player must play their scenerio as the protagonist, and it can be against any other player as the antagonist, even their own teammate.  And finally, as I mentioned, everything comes to a head in a four person mega battle for the sould of Immoren!  Dun-dun-DUN!!!

So...let us begin!

Prologue: Scene 1
On a dark night, two patrols stumble upon each other in the woods.  Fighting breaks out as the two frightened teams lash out against their perceived enemies.

First, we had to seperate into teams... DTB and his Grymkin teamed up with moi, Kommissar Koala and my Protectorate on the side of good, so we are the Guardians.  Leland (with several guest appearances) with Cygnar and Sarge with his Cryx became the Corrupters.  Then, we had to go head to head against one of the members of the other teams... I faced off against the Leland conglomerate, and DTB took on Sarge.

Army Lists:

     Grymkin - Piggybacks (maximum)
                        Piggyback Officer
                        Cask Imp X 2

     Cryx -        Bane Warriors (minimum)
                        Bane Knights (minimum)

     Menoth -   Exempar Errants (minimum)
                        Elias Gade
                        Exemplar Warder

     Cryx -        Cephalyx Overlords
                        Cephalyx Mindslaver and Drudges

Okay, so I know what you're thinking... Kommissar, you said that there was a Cygnar team?  What's with the two Cryx teams?  And you would be correct!  Sadly, the day that we started the campaign, Leland was out of town, and so the Cryx team using the Cephalyx that I was facing was actually being run by a new member of the Fukuyama Gaming Club, TG#1.

Being used to 75 point battles, this little 30 point skirmish was awfully quick!
     Grymkin Vs. Cryx - Piggybacks are too strong for these little games, and quickly overwhelmed the Banes that swarmed them.  Victory for Grymkin
     Menoth Vs. Cryx - I foolishly moved the Errants up much to far, only to get mulched by the Drudges that were waiting for me.  Victory for Cryx

So, were are now tied, 1-1 for each team!

Prologue:  Scene Two
Routed, the losing team breaks and runs until they come across another of their own patrols and team up, returning to the scene of the origional skirmish.  Alas, the opponent has also received reinforcements, and is ready to get back into the fray.

Now, all the prologue scenes are supposed to be played against the same opponent, but we decided to switch it up and change our foes, so for this scene, I take on Sarge and DTB faces against TG#1.

Army Lists:

     Grymkin - Piggybacks (maximum)
                        Piggyback Officer
                        Lord Longfellow

     Cryx -        Cephalyx Overlords
                        Cephalyx Mindslaver and Drudges
                        Orin Midwinter

     Menoth -    Exemplar Errants (maximum)
                         Exemplar Errants Officer and Standard Bearer
                         Elias Gade

     Cryx -         Bane Warriors (minimum)
                         Bane Warrior Captain and Standard Bearer
                         Bane Knights (minimum)

So, this mission, the losers from last round have to try and get three models off the board from the opponents deployment zone to win, while the winner from last round have to keep them from doing that.  Because of the new pairings, it was loser Vs. loser and winner Vs. winner, so we randomly determined that TG#1 and I were the losers.

This round the point costs went up to 35, but still pretty quick games!
     Grymkin Vs. Cryx - As the Piggybacks slaughtered the Drudges, the Overlords panicked and made a beeline for the escape zone.  Victory for Cryx
     Menoth Vs. Cryx - Several Errants had almost made it off the edge of the escape zone, but realizing their brothers were still in trouble returned only to be destoryed. Victory for Cryx

Yikes!  I've lost both of my games!  Team scores are now 1-3, in favor of the Corruptors!

Prologue: Scene 3
Chaos ensues as the two forces continue to spar across the moonless night.  Finally, the two forces face off in a pitched battle.  If the defender from the last round (the loser of the first round) managed to get all three models off the board during the last round, they recieved three intelligence tokens that could be used to either re-roll one of their own rolls, or force their opponent to re-roll one of their rolls!  Eep!  Also, as this is the final round of the prologue, each army had to select a solo to be their "Commander" for the round.  If the Commander falls, the game is lost!

With this round, Leland had finally returned!  Yes!  So, back to our original pairings, DTB and Sarge and me with Leland.

Army Lists:

     Grymkin -    Piggybacks (maximum)
                           Piggyback Officer
                           Hollowmen (maximum)
                           Lanternman -> the commander for the round
                           Hollow Holden

     Cryx -           Bane Warriors (minimum)
                           Bane Knights (minimum)
                           Bane Riders (minimum)
                           Bane Lord Tarterus -> the commander for the round
                           Scrap Thralls X 6

     Menoth -       Exemplar Errants (maximum)
                            Exemplar Errant Officer and Standard Bearer
                            Exemplar Errant Seneschal
                            Elias Gade -> the commander for the round
                            Vassal of Menoth

     Cygnar -        Piper of Ord
                            Sword Knights (maximum)
                            Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr
                            Archduke Alain Runewood -> the commander for the round
                            Trencher Engineers

Well... these lists are certainly a bit more hefty than they have been!  This is a pretty straightforward round, kill off the opposing commander and win the game!
     Grymkin Vs. Cryx - The Bane committee was just too much for the Grymkin, especially with the Vengeance on the Bane Riders.  Victory for Cryx
     Menoth Vs. Cygnar - The Errants ALMOST had Runewood... they left him with only one health box, but in missing that last one, left themselves vunerable...Victory for Cygnar

Awww, man!  I lost every single prologue battle!  Still, good times were had by all, so I guess its fine.  The final team score is Guardians 1, Corruptors 5 (yikes!!!)  A resounding victory for the bad guys!  Luckily, this has no bearing on Tier 2, but from here on out, victory or defeat will decide what our next scenerio's are, so we'll all do our best to come out on top!

Stay tuned!  The Oblivion Crisis in Fukuyama continues soon!
Stay safe, wash your hands!  So says the Kommissar!